Or you can satirize them:

In this second scenario, a student set up next to the evangelist and preached the word of the boot, and it's protection from the evil wetness. Shamed, the evangelist had little to say except "You're all going to Hell!". Like their cousins the Teabaggers, they have little defense from satire, because most people can't tell the difference at a glance. For the greatest example of this, read Mark Twain's The War Prayer.
The victims in the pictures are Brother Jed and Sister Cindy, who, those of you who've gone to college in the last 50 years know, travel around the country delivering their folksy fire-and-brimstone Christianity. I remember spending part of my afternoons mocking Cindy mercilessly. The big burr up her ass then was rock-n-roll, and it was going to send us to the LAKE...OF...FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE!!! We'd bring a jam box and sing along to Stairway to Heaven while she ranted. I also recall one year a huge transvestite dressed for Halloween showed up and confronted Cindy, who literally curled up into a ball until the, um, guy(?) left.
Jed wasn't much fun then, looks like nothing changed. They must have found a fountain of youth somewhere, they don't look to have aged a day in 20+ years. But then, they came pre-aged.
The lady could've been smarter by having her friend hold up a sign (with an arrow pointing to the guy with his own sign) saying:
Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers. -- Psalms 1
I think you're missing the point the guy in the picture is making. He's not a Bible believer referencing the Bible as a source of knowledge/wisdom/morality as you are. He's just showing that Cindy isn't playing by her own rule book; she's a hypocrite. What's your point? His behavior is nonbiblical as well? Well no shit. I'm sure he'd proudly show you 100 places where he differs from the Bible. What's that got to do with his comment on Cindy?
In general, the only place I've seen where quoting the Bible is persuasive is among unread Bible believers, or in a discussion about the Bible's contents. In any discussion with nonbelievers, it carries about as much weight as quoting Harry Potter. We're not ignorant of its contents and in need of a reminder. We've examined the contents and found them horribly wanting for indications of divine authorship. When you quote it to us, what we hear is "Here's what a bunch of bronze age goat herders thought". Why should people with access to modern knowledge (with a far better track record of success BTW) care? I'd just as soon look for wisdom among the guys who sleep at the bus stop.
> "I think you're missing the point the guy in the picture is making. He's not a Bible believer referencing the Bible as a source of knowledge/wisdom/morality as you are. "
I was and am 100% aware of that.
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