Fighting for science and reason in a faith-based world
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Teabaggers Spel Gud
There's something immensely ironic about a group hyper-sensitive about English being spoken being so bad at it themselves. Here's my favorite:
Indeed, they are. Will America really be taken over by the most ignorant among us? November will tell.
The thing is about these signs, you never know if it's real or fake. So it's kind of pointless to use them as proof.
They aren't proof, they are examples. The proof was there, for anyone objective about it, long before any supposed infiltrators existed. Take today's post. All one needs to hear gross ignorance from Tea Partiers is to let them talk.
The stupid people aren't running all parties, and the basis for all parties isn't stupid. Those honors, at least as mainstream political organizations in the US go, go pretty exclusively to the Teapartiers.
I have a mathematics background, an interest in science, and an unapologetic impatience for sloppy thinking. This puts me at odds with both right and left. It's high time the rational scientific viewpoint got the rabid proponent it deserves. I fight nonsense so the scientists don't have to. The blog is not necessarily about science, but rather is a scientific view of the world. Rational, civilly expressed, factually supported thought-out opposing views are welcome. Disparaging, irrational, intentionally obtuse, troll-like whack-a-mole, quote-mining posts will be dispatched without hesitation or apology, as will tit-for-tat partisan "the other side does it too" political gamesmanship, and opinions of what topics I should be writing about. We don't do that here.
The thing is about these signs, you never know if it's real or fake. So it's kind of pointless to use them as proof.
They aren't proof, they are examples. The proof was there, for anyone objective about it, long before any supposed infiltrators existed. Take today's post. All one needs to hear gross ignorance from Tea Partiers is to let them talk.
But there are stupid people in ALL the parties. So finding "examples" is a waste of time. There will always be enough examples to make a case.
The stupid people aren't running all parties, and the basis for all parties isn't stupid. Those honors, at least as mainstream political organizations in the US go, go pretty exclusively to the Teapartiers.
Collecting evidence is never a waste of time.
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