Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Global Warming Eats Island

Global warming is now starting to eat islands in the Indian Ocean, giving us a new technique for resolving territory disputes. Meanwhile, the deniers continue to deny. I guess if it doesn't happen where they are standing, it isn't real, being so fond of the "were you there" line of evidence as they tend to be. Or maybe they just don't care because its happening to, you know, them.


  1. How do we know that GLOBAL warming is the culprit?

  2. Local warming, perhaps.

  3. I'm sorry Frank, but no article that uses the fictitious rightwing-denialist term "Al Gore cultists" is going to get a forum here. I'd just as soon give a podium to the guy who refers to all biologists as "atheist Darwinists" (this commonality of approach is no coincidence...deniers of a feather...). It's got to be a wee bit more intellectually honest than that.

    Besides, its a tempest in a teapot. As I demonstrated here, there's no scientific substance to the hacked emails. All the damage is political, and political organizations will have to respond accordingly. No real news there. The science, however, chugs merrily along.
