Ever have one of those days at work where you've got to make an abbreviation and all efforts produce unacceptable answers? Think PZ Myers referring to Expelled associate producer Mark Mathis as the "Ass. Prod." Apologies for the technical actuaria
So I’m sitting here working and need to abbreviate an ultimate incurred IBNR estimate. So first I try:
But it looks too much like Ul test, like some sort of Uber test, so maybe if I substitute Inc for Ult:
Yeah, that’d go over big in the meetings (to think nothing of UltIncest). Then I try:
Hmmm, don’t want to have ‘rest’ in there. Finally I settle on:
I fear for the first person in a meeting who asks me why I didn’t pick something more intuitive. I haven’t wrestled with an abbreviation this much since I became an Actuarial Associate. Somehow Act. Ass. didn’t work for me.
I think reducing associate producer to ass. prod. was perfectly acceptable in that case.