Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Child Killed by Prayer

The trial of another case of child neglect via religion continues, as the mother accused of homicide for praying for her dying 11-year-old daughter instead of seeking medical help decided Thursday to call no witnesses in her defense.:

Leilani Neumann 41, is charged with second-degree reckless homicide in the death of her daughter at their rural Weston home. Her husband also has been charged and will be tried in July.

Prosecutors contend a reasonable parent would have known something was gravely wrong with Madeline. They said her mother recklessly killed her by ignoring obvious symptoms, such as she couldn't walk or talk, and prayed instead of rushing her to a doctor.

Neumann has said the family believes healing comes from God, and she never expected Madeline to die.

Neumann's mother, Evalani Gordon, 62, of San Diego, Calif., said her daughter was comfortable with the decision to offer no defense witnesses, believing God has "influenced" Linehan to give wise counsel.

Gordon said she told her daughter on the morning that Madeline could not walk, talk or drink to take the girl to a doctor for at least a medical checkup.

But Gordon said she is now proud that her daughter displayed such strong faith in God, a stronger faith than hers at that moment.

"It was a tragic loss and we miss our granddaughter very much," the grandmother said. "But we believe God had a purpose in taking her. We don't understand, but God's ways are perfect and sure."

There is no kind way to put it. These people are insane, and dangerously so, and we are insane as a society to let them anywhere near any children.

1 comment:

  1. >> These people are insane, and dangerously so, and we are insane as a society to let them anywhere near any children.>>

    Indeed. Too bad we only find out about their sick beliefs at the moment of crisis.
