Friday, April 10, 2009

Teabagging Congress

Yes, believe it or not, that's what some are calling the little pretend rebellions called "Tea Parties". I laughed so hard I cried watching this video of Rachel Maddow talking about these little pointless gatherings of angry losers from the last election. As I tried to explain to the Teabaggers [snort], they aren't worrying anyone, they are just making us laugh.


  1. Actually, I read something this morning about Congress asking people not to send tea bags to their representatives because they were causing anthrax scares.

    I don't know which is worse, the traitorous scum that are threatening revolution because of a 3 percent tax hike that won't even affect them, or the congressmen that are so afraid of being toppled from their flagpoles like drunken Shipwreck Kellys that they can't stomach a little dissent.

  2. Yeah Mephisto, the lack of perspective these protesters have reminds me of a protest over tuition hikes at the Univeristy of Texas when I was there in the early 90's. The increase was from $4 a semester hour to $8, moving us from (IIRC) 49th in the nation in costs to 47th. These folks don't know what real hardship, or real protests, are.

  3. Do you agree with Memphisto's "traitorous scum" comment?

  4. It might be a bit strong, but I'm on board with the spirit of his comment. There seems to be no grand principle being fought for here (unlike the original Tea Party). The teabaggers just don't like the agenda their opponents are pursuing, and don't seem to understand that their opponents' victory in November grants the right to pursue it.

    If you've got a sound principle consistent with our democratic principles that the teabaggers are fighting for, I'm sure Mephisto joins me in wanting to hear it.
