Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Surreal Blago

Gotta love Blago, and his record off-topic defense:

“What did I do in this case but provide health care for low-income families?” the governor asked at one point during the nearly hour-long speech. “How is it an impeachable offense to protect low-income parents from losing their healthcare? How is it an impeachable offense to keep those families in a position to be able to see their doctors?”

“ can you throw a governor out of office who was acting to protect the lives of senior citizens and infants and trying to find ways to be able to help families?”

Good to see lunacy is not restricted to right wingers.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible that his glorious head of hair is also growing inside his cranium and thereby compressing his brain?

    Maybe there's too much pressure on his cerebral cortex, making him blurt out odd and random statements. Somehow I think his hair must have something to with it.
