Monday, February 2, 2009

Cell Phone Sounds? What the

And the award for congressman with the poorest prioritization skills goes to Peter King, for his Camera Phone Predator Alert Act, which would require all cell phone cameras to make an audible click when taking photos. Apparently too many kids are taking too many voyeuristic pictures, and this poses a threat to national security, or something.


  1. "Apparently too many kids are taking too many voyeuristic pictures, and this poses a threat to natinal security, or something."

    The bill's text says that Congress has found that "children and adolescents have been exploited by photographs taken in dressing rooms and public places with the use of a camera phone."

    I saw a video of a man who was caught on CC taking a picture up a young girl's skirt. She heard the click, and she told her mom. Without that sound, he probably would have gotten away with it.

    I'm not saying it's a great bill or anything, but at least you could present more fairly the problem it's trying to address.

  2. Yeah Alex, because all that verbiage made all the difference about what a pressing major issue that is. /eyeroll
