Here is an exchange I had with a typical know-nothing, MSU wingnut on Townhall posting by "Ken", who chose the unenviable task of trying to defend Sarah Palin. You can't parody these people, and it is amazing what cult like qualities they are starting to exhibit:
My opening statement:
You people are hilarious. It's as if you are all suffering from some sort of mass delusion. Answered the questions adequately? She didn't answer them at all! "All of them" is not an answer. Rambling about Putin is not an answer. Yammering about generalities when the question was to actually name a court case is not an answer. Ignoring debate questions and reading from cue cards is not an answer. The only way Palin's answers could have been less adequate would have been for her to say "de do do do, de da da da" each time.
Any objective intelligent person can see that Palin doesn't know her arse from arugula, is faking it, and is uniformly unqualified for the position she seeks. That so many of you, along with columnists like Tyrrell, are selling out your integrity supporting this fraud shows just how much stock we should put in all this "values voters" and "putting America first" nonsense. The only value you people seem to have is "support the Republicans, no matter how badly we have to lie to do it, and no matter how incompetent the candidate". And this is coming from a person who has voted straight Republican/libertarian for 20 years.
Luckily for America, most of the voters are seeing the light, and the Republicans are headed for the landslide loss this incompetent candidate, and my once proud party that has sunk to supporting her, so richly deserves.
Ken's retort:
"I'll bet Sarah Palin knows that FDR wasn't president in 1929, and that national television didn't exist at that time. That's more than Joe Biden knows. I can't expect you to understand that, though, since you're neither objective nor intelligent.
Your 'once proud party' does not support Palin, since you are obviously a Democrat. You liberal hacks need to find yourselves some new material."
Thanks Ken for proving my point: when you don't like reality, make stuff up. I am in fact a 20 year Republican voter (Reagan, GHW Bush^2, Dole, W^2), as are many who are moving away from that party as a result of its increasingly anti-intellectual attitudes. Nominating Palin was the last straw for most of us. You can't accept that reality, and must pretend that we are all "liberal hacks" and/or Democrats. You sound just like the creationist nuts that think anyone who accepts evolution must be an atheist, despite the overwhelming data to the contrary. But to heck with reality when it conflicts with your ideals. That's the new Republican party in a nutshell.
Your comparison of Palin's complete lack of knowledge to Biden's misplacement of FDR's depression commentary to the nation by a few years proves my point further. The two aren't even remotely similar. It's as if they were sitting in Kentucky, were asked where they were, and Biden said "Kansas" while Palin said "The Kremlin", and you're comparing the two.
And once again, we see that you guys can't deal with facts, and must speculate and pretend you have facts instead. We don't know what Palin knows about FDR or television, you simply made that up. But we do know she thought the founding fathers wrote the pledge of allegiance, which again dwarfs any mistake anyone else (including McCain) has made. It also makes it highly unlikely your speculation is correct.
Keep burying your heads in the sand, and ignoring reality. Your time screwing up the country ends Nov. 4th with a FDR-like rout.
"You're only proving my point. That [making shit up] seems to be the modus operandi for most of you liberals. Why do you have to pretend you're a Republican when you're obviously a lifelong Democrat? Yeah, that's what they all say.
Your denial of any similarity proves my point further. You have a double standard, as do most liberals. The fact is, Joe Biden is a liar, a plagiarist and an idiot. Why can't you face that fact?
If Obama wins, he'll have more in common with Carter than FDR. Carter won in '76, but his honeymoon was short-lived. I predict Obama's honeymoon will be even shorter."
You have no evidence that I'm a lifelong Democrat, you simply make that up because you can't fathom a lifelong Republican seeing Palin for the fake she is. That's how cults think Ken. And get used to it, there are a lot of us. I'm also for gun rights, flat taxes, small government, the death penalty, and against affirmative action. You gonna deny that too?
What who all say? What are you making up now? You're saying all the people who think Palin is a twit claim they were once lifelong Republicans? Do you think about this stuff at all?
I just recognize the difference between someone making a small, insignificant error (ie Biden, and Quayle as well FWIW), and someone making errors that reveal a gross lack of understanding of the subject, a la Palin.
There's more, check out the link. Granted, it's sort of like tormenting the monkeys at the zoo, but the Republicans have been so mean spirited, so downright dishonest, and at the same time so smug this election, I just can't help myself.
I'm not "Ken, but let me interject:
ReplyDelete"You have no evidence that I'm a lifelong Democrat,"
You have no evidence that you're a lifelong Republican.
"You're saying all the people who think Palin is a twit claim they were once lifelong Republicans?"
No, not all. But there are indeed alot of phonies out there, mainly Democrats, who take it upon themselves to masquerade as "lifelong Republicans". So I assume Ken is just being suspicious.
You are doing the same thing he did. How do you know there are a lot of phonies out there? Where's the evidence? There isn't any. It's more speculation masquerading as facts.
ReplyDeleteGenerally one takes another's word for it when they talk about themselves unless what they say is patently absurd or one has strong evidence to the contrary. Ken had neither. He doesn't even have weak evidence. His little fantasy world just couldn't digest the reality that is me. He'd better get used to it, because there are thousands of others. Go read more of the comments at townhall, and you'll see them, unless you're going to pretend they are fake too.
I've been saying stuff like this for the lifetime of this blog, that should be all the evidence any honest suspicious person would need. Or would he or you dare discard all semblence of rationality and claim the blog persona is fictious for that very purpose? It wouldn't surprise me.
It's all part of the Palin Republican mindset: grasp any reason, no matter how implausible, for dismissing facts your worldview can't digest. Dismiss all studies because they might be biased. Ditto for polls and newspapers. Assume anyone who claims to honestly disagree with you is a liar, or has some ulterior motive, or psychological disorder.
This is why I, and so many others, are ex-Republicans.
"How do you know there are a lot of phonies out there? Where's the evidence? There isn't any."
ReplyDeleteOh yes there is. There's voter registration databses, and campaign money finances, both of which is public info. When a Democrat decides to pretend to be a Republican, one can do a little research into who that person gave money to or with which party he/she is registered with, or look into the organization he/she is affiliated with, etc. I'll give you a few examples:
"It's all part of the Palin Republican mindset: grasp any reason, no matter how implausible, for dismissing facts your worldview can't digest. Dismiss all studies because they might be biased. Ditto for polls and newspapers. Assume anyone who claims to honestly disagree with you is a liar, or has some ulterior motive, or psychological disorder."
I have to agree with you there, BUT this is not a "Palin Republican mindset". Its not a Republican mindset. Its not a Democrat mindset. Its just a mindset to which some people from all political parties across the board fall prey to. This mindset transcends all political labels. Its been going on for ages, before the Republican party ever existed. So I still dont understand why you cite it as a reason for being an ex-Republican because you'll find that sort of mindset outside the Republican party as well.
The first source you cited doesn't prove your point at all. My story is similar - I was a registered democrat early, then voted Republican for 20 years. So as usual, your supposedly supporting data is nothing of the kind. And just a hint - people like newsbusters aren't credible to anyone outside their little sycophantic base, so they have little persuasive value. In any case, the plural of anecdote is not data, so you are going to have to do better than that.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are still using speculation as facts. You don't know I'll find the same mindset outside the Republican party, and in as great a number and as intense a problem. You are just assuming that. I've been looking for it, and can't find any. I've got a standing challenge to any Republican to find me an instance of the Democrats, en masse, denying scientific authority as blatantly as the GOP does with regard to global warming and evolution. No takers. That's because there isn't anything like that on the Democratic side. Right now, as organized movements go, the GOP has the market cornered for people who flat out deny reality, and the psychological denial techniques you and Ken employ are what allow it to happen.