Saturday, October 18, 2008

Francis Collins Endorses Obama

Francis Collins, scientist, Christian, and director of the National Human Genome Research Institute has endorsed Barack Obama for president. This is highly unusual for Collins, who is typical apolitical. He states:

"As I've examined the positions taken by the current presidential candidates on these critical issues, I regret to say that I have found little comfort in Sen. John McCain's plan. While he makes some vague general statements about support of science and technology, and promises to make the research and development tax credit permanent (as does Barack Obama), the absence of specifics is disturbing.

A particularly troubling detail is McCain's promise to freeze all research funding in his first year in office, dealing a potentially devastating blow to young scientists who are already running on fumes.

Sen. Obama, on the other hand, has provided a detailed plan for his science, technology and innovation agenda, which lays out how advances in science can provide solutions to many of the problems that face us. He provides a bold approach to stimulating our economy, restoring the integrity of scientific advice to our nation's leaders, and regaining U.S. leadership in science."

The whole article is worth a read, particularly Collins' note that Obama has been active on the science front in the past, introducing the Genomics and Personalized Medicine Act. Once again, the facts put the lie to the claims that Obama has done nothing with his time in the senate and is an empty suit. Empty is what describes the GOP's blind, ignorant criticisms, and scientists like Collins can see that. Luckily, it looks like most of the voters can too.

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