Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Million Men vs One

A million people organized by a group calling itself "TheCall" plan on descending on the National Mall "to fervently ask God for his undeserved mercy on the nation.":

"We believe God wants revival to break out all across America, but it will only happen as believers humble themselves and pray," said Wendy Alec, co-founder and program director of GOD TV, in a press release. "The key to revival in America is constant corporate prayer and so we urge all our viewers to participate. And, if they can't attend in person, to please tune in."

I disagree, and am going to put my prayer where my mouth is. I'm going to pray to cancel out all their prayers. One against one million. There will be no revival, and the nation will continue to go on as it has. I have spoken. Thus is the power of prayer, known to those of us in the reality-based community as "wishing it were so".


  1. "We believe God wants revival to break out all across America, but it will only happen as believers humble themselves and pray,"

    I could see you disagreeing with the /pray/ part, but how 'bout that /humbling/ part? :^)

  2. Humility is overrated, a meme propogated in the main in modern culture by people who can't stand that others should dare achieve more than them, and thus demand humility as penance. As used by Christians, it is doubletalk of the worst kind. "I know the absolute truth, but its not mine, I am merely relaying God's will" is arrogance, not humility. "I don't know and have no business passing judgment on others" would be humility, the sort Jesus suggested for us, but as is often the case, the mainstream Christian has little use for Jesus' actual teachings. They'd rather get the bastardized version delivered by the Robertsons and popes and the Wendy Alecs of the world.

  3. Y'know, your disparaging of humility could be extended to every single noble character trait in existence.

  4. I don't see how. No one calls for excellence or honesty or productivity or altruism or intelligence or any other noble character trait in a similarly manipulative and dishonest way.
