We thought it could happen, but it still has to sink in now. Barack Hussein Obama won the Iowa caucuses, and not by a small margin. If the thought of a black man winning an election in whitebread Iowa is not shocking enough, consider that he outpolled Hillary Clinton 35% to 30% (as of 10:30 CST) among women. He garnered over 50% of the youth vote. His performance was downright stunning. Perhaps all America needed to elect a black president was to have one that was not all about being black (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton), or a complete lunatic (Alan Keyes).
This result should be especially disturbing to Hillary Clinton, who, with her love-her-or-hate-her personality, could not afford anything other than victories with a multiple candidate field. As other candidates exit, their voters are less likely to move to Hillary than the other candidates. An Obama/Edwards ticket looks more likely than ever.
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