Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Bible Makes another Atheist

I am enjoying a special event. A friend who has struggled with her religion over the years has suddenly blossomed into a bonified freethinker, asking all the right (or wrong) questions, and seeking, seeking, seeking answers. It is a wonder to behold. As with so many of us, a intense detailed examination of the Bible has accelerated her understanding. For the Bible is the most owned, and least read, book, in all the world. Many of us who now proudly wear the Atheist title were helped there by actually reading the Bible instead of merely looking at the pretty cover on the coffee table. If you haven’t read the Bible in a while, or ever, try it. Really. Don’t just read the hand-picked selections recommended by your local clergy. Start at the beginning and read it all. You will be amazed at what is in there: mass murder, arbitrary and draconian penalties for the most trivial offenses, slavery, and of course a god that, as described, is unworthy of worship from any thinking self-respecting person.

I'm not certain there are no gods. I am certain the Bible got it wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not certain there are no gods. I am certain the Bible got it wrong.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
