Inspired by this story about the birth of an endangered black rhino at The Sedgewick County Zoo in Wichita, I have to ask: are we willing to part with our viagra to save the rhinos?
In much of the east, rhino horns are considered to improve virility. It goes back to an old set of beliefs that consuming a creature, or possessing parts of it, instills those same traits onto you. This is, ironically enough, behind the eucharist: eating the body of Christ makes one Christlike. Similarly, having a rhino horn, or grinding it up into a soup or tea and consuming it, will, well, just look at a rhino horn. And no, I don't know if that is where the phrase "horny" comes from.
But here it seems we have a problem with a perfectly modern solution. Distribute viagra and cialis and all the other erectile disfunction drugs to those areas where rhino horns are valued. Th men there get their fun, the value of rhino horns should drop considerably, and the rhinos stay unhunted and alive.
Before you laugh, remember that dolphin-safe tuna was once considered a strange idea. Why not "Viagra: because you love your rhinos". What a legacy for the west.
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